Hello World!


Well, first of all I would like to apologise for not writing in a while due to some reasons as follows:

1 – Finding the right topic and thought of writing is a bummer at times, especially of you’re prone to get writer’s block

2 – Last semester was kind of a hellish semester indeed, so much so that it had made quite a dent on my health (sudden blood pressure diagnosis, damn, but now I’m okay though.)

3 – Currently got to collaborate with my mates to make a team for a competition, and probably to start to venture on making it as a startup as well, continuing my training as an intern in KL and continuing to find new adventures for my inspirations to write on.

To start the 2015 with a slow article, would have tried with what I am best at : a web developer, to the public knowledge people would definitely relate a developer to the IT world and careers. However, in the evolving technologies of today, this might not be the case. Some IT companies are currently trying to venture on promoting the current generation of students to go for coding as a foundation for education just like writing, reading, problem-solving and arithmetics. This is because programming could ignite the intrigued and want-to-do-its’ problem solving and arithmetics in one whole shot.

And speaking of IT, this maybe redundant to all developers-to-be and students of IT, but the general public should have known better on this statement:

Whoever is in IT, no matter what kind of careers they have, even they have the sufficient knowledge of the basics, ARE NOT AUTOMATICALLY A TECHNICIAN.

This had to be said actually, for my brethren in the tech world, hopefully they would understand, but if they are free to do the task, so feel free to ask them for guidance and probably ask some curious questions as well.

For some here’s the article by Annie Sexton I would recommend to read on:


I would recommend this because it mentions on the people who were responsible for the web in the views of a recruiter, even though the one who wrote the article was a developer herself (and a good one at that!)

I probably would continue on, but better get some sleep for now.

Startup Adventures: Code Division, Startup Weekend, and a bunch of awesome new friends

Awesome read! Seriously, for the ones who wanted to make the career, not to succumb to the cogs works

Wei Jia

A few months back, I made the decision to quit my job in investments. Many might not know this, but my motivation for doing this was that I wanted to “go startup”. And I meant it in every sense.

I wanted to build things. Make an impact. Be kick-ass. Save the world. Do a Sheryl Sandberg. And I’ve wanted to do it for a very long time but never had the guts to do so. Then one day, I just did. I told myself, if I’m going to go anywhere, I need to JUST. DO. IT. Suck it up, make the leap and DO IT. Because if you never ever tried, you would never ever know where your limits lie.

And I’m so glad that I did. This is my one month post-corporate life so far:

It all started with Code Division

The Code Division web development bootcamp at…

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